Twisted high-quality wool, sophisticated weaving, mercerization - after these processes make the hand woven carpet to be there. The plain carpet was manufactured over 50 years ago. It enfolds deepen texture aged after long time, softer touch and infinite colors reflecting light and shadow.
Yamagata Dantsu started the development of "MANYO" in the collaboration with TORAFU ARCHITECTS Inc. by utilizing our "weaving" and new technique "Yarn Mercerization". This collection aims to redefine this special carpet to be updated for modern lifestyles. Our company is the only company in Japan, whose whole process is collectively controlled by in-house management. Our high-quality manufacturing by craftsperson's hands has been succeeded from the establishment of our company in 1935. Now our company takes a new step forward to the future.
Twisted high-quality wool, sophisticated weaving, mercerization - after these processes make the hand woven carpet to be there. The plain carpet was manufactured over 50 years ago. It enfolds deepen texture aged after long time, softer touch and infinite colors reflecting light and shadow.
Yamagata Dantsu started the development of "MANYO" in the collaboration with TORAFU ARCHITECTS Inc. by utilizing our "weaving" and new technique "Yarn Mercerization". This collection aims to redefine this special carpet to be updated for modern lifestyles. Our company is the only company in Japan, whose whole process is collectively controlled by in-house management. Our high-quality manufacturing by craftsperson's hands has been succeeded from the establishment of our company in 1935. Now our company takes a new step forward to the future.
"MANYO" is the carpet collection to bring Japanese unique color aesthetics inherited from the ancient period to the modern interior for daily life. The Manyoshu is a poet collection which is full of expression that are reminiscent of beautiful colors. The poems composed by various poets from the Emperor to farmers give lively descriptions of colorful nature and daily lives in all the places of Japan.
When we worked for the renovation project of a hotel lobby, we had an opportunity to get to know of Yamagata Dantsu in the project where we reproduced a large carpet used at the time of hotel construction. The "plain" carpets made with high-level skills have subtle lusters and wrap up the aesthetic colors that the Japanese has inherited from ancient times. They show various colors and expressions at different angles and with lights and shadows.
The new carpet lines filled with imagination to picture ancient scenes can afford to nestle a modern comfortable lifestyle. The new collection is a suitable concept for Yamagata Dantsu, which respects the old traditions with a forward-looking attitude.
鈴野浩一(すずの こういち)と禿真哉(かむろ しんや)により2004年に設立。建築の設計をはじめ、インテリア、展覧会の会場構成、プロダクトデザイン、空間インスタレーションやムービー制作への参加など多岐に渡り、建築的な思考をベースに取り組んでいる。主な作品に「テンプレート イン クラスカ」「NIKE 1LOVE」「港北の住宅」「空気の器」「ガリバーテーブル」「Big T」など。
Founded in 2004 by Koichi Suzuno and Shinya Kamuro, TORAFU ARCHITECTS Inc. employs a working approach based on architectural thinking. Works by the duo include a diverse range of products, from architectural design to interior design, exhibition space design, product design, spatial installations and film making. Amongst some of their mains works are 'TEMPLATE IN CLASKA', 'NIKE 1LOVE', 'HOUSE IN KOHOKU', 'airvase' , 'Gulliver Table' and 'BigT'.
とびきりの無地のじゅうたんをつくりたい。トラフ建築設計事務所に、そう相談を持ちかけたところから、“MANYO” の開発がスタートしました。
“MANYO” が人々の生活に溶け込み、日常の風景をおだやかに彩りますよう、心から願っています。
A superb plain carpet is our goal. That is the starting point for the development of the MANYO collection. This starting point lead us to talk with TORAFU ARCHITECTS Inc. about our new brand.
The twelve beautiful ancient poems and traditional colors interwoven in Manyoshu. This very important technique, mercerization, which has supported our manufacturing for a long time. The high-quality aesthetic sense and the techniques together enable beautiful plain carpets that have the ambition of Japanese characteristics and aesthetics.
Depending on the time, light and shadow, seasons, and passage of time, the plain color shows multiple faces and changes its expressions time after time. The traditional colors of Manyoshu reflect the Japanese subtle sense of colors and fresh natural scenes. The expression of these colors from MANYO is one of the milestones of Yamagata Dantsu.
Our company sincerely wishes MANYO will meld into people's lives and envelope daily life in a gentle way.
リービ英雄 著「英語でよむ万葉集」岩波新書/2004年
Reference: Ian Hideo Levy『英語でよむ万葉集』Eigo de yomu man'youshuu (Iwanami Shinsho 2004)